Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gazebo News #2

Another gazebo goes down in a world of laws and regulations. What is it about this structure that has forced it to the center of a heated debate in Boston? You can read the other story for yourself at this link. Let me catch you up to speed. One man wrote an article demonizing the state for tearing down a gazebo that some private land owners put up, and this man in the link above says "no, had to go, they were breaking the law." Now friends I can see both sides of this story. I mean, on the one hand, it does seem like a little bit of an overkill and not that big of a deal. On the other hand, like stated in the aforementioned article, you can't pick and choose who gets to obey the law. That leads to simple chaos. I just find it astonishing that so many gazebos get caught up in the crossfire of landowners and laws. I think the gazebo just might be on its way to being the bad boy of the lawn furniture world. No longer will folks, say oh what a nice place they have especially with that gazebo. They will be saying "lock the doors, they've got a gazebo in their yard." Maybe we should ditch the gardens and hot tubs for things like metal sculptures and moats. I've been looking around on the internet for some wicked looking tough guy gazebos but I have yet to find any. Maybe I'm just going to have to build one. One where a man can say "I'm going over to Jim's to hang out at the gazebo." and feel proud. I don't know about you, but with all the bad press they receive, I think it's time they got the image to go with it. Maybe a metal gazebo crafted from old tank parts would be a good place to start. If any of you out their reading this have a Man's gazebo please get in touch with me. We've got to take our backyards back men, lets start with the gazebo. Ok, I just needed to get that off my chest. Don't get me wrong, you can be manly and handle flowers, just make sure you've got a couple of venus fly traps in the mix too. Now get out their and do a Heman overhaul on that gazebo.

1 comment:

bamboo gazebo said...

good post,thank you fo ryour post